Sci-fi and its issues.

There are many genres that involve issues and topics that bring up debate and questions by the viewers, one of these genres is Science Fiction/ Sci-fi. Science fiction has many themes, some being: Apocalyptic worlds; Artificial Intelligence and 'Playing God' and with these topics, there are discussions and questions being asked.
 Firstly, films like Bicentennial Man and Age of Ultron bring up the ideas of Artificial Intelligence and the possibilities there could be, for example: AI becoming sentient, having senses, and the possibility of robots taking over the world/humanity. Bicentennial Man follows the idea of a robot becoming more human like, Robin Williams' character going through transformations to appear human and respond to different experiences like a human. Williams' character Andrew gets lungs to breath, pain receptors so he can feel pain and many other procedures so he can fall in love and live like a human.
 The discussions that occur with this topic is the idea of this being a possibility as technology advances through time and what the consequences of this could be. People speculate whether technology should create human-like androids due to the idea of them becoming sentient (or deviant as the story game Detroit: Become Human calls it.) The film Age of Ultron has two robots that represent the two sides that AI could end up as, Vision - the peace keeper "on the side of life" - or Ultron - who believes Humanity is a horrible thing. And like Andrew, Vision also falls in love with a human and later changes his appearance to be with her in Avengers: Infinity War.
 Another theme the genre has is the use of playing with DNA and being 'God' in a way. Films that shows this is the Jurassic Park movies, but in contrasting ways. In the trilogy, the movies discuss the ideas of bringing back extinct animals - this case being dinosaurs - and playing 'God'. The first film had Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldbloom) question John Hammond's choices in creating such dangerous creatures.
 Discussions are made in the film with Ian as he talks about the idea of the female dinosaurs 'finding a way' to reproduce even though the scientists were genetically engineering them to remain female. The  idea of creating dinosaurs from fossilised DNA is brought up as they create dinosaurs with DNA from old mosquitos and adding the missing information with frog DNA - this of course meaning the dinosaurs are intersexual. This then brought up the idea of the dinosaurs killing the humans that created them and taking over.
 Lastly, Apocalyptic worlds are brought up in Zombie films or Action movies. Two examples are Avengers: Endgame and World War Z. Both show the idea of man-made things being left in ruin as less humans inhabit them, for example: homes, shops, vehicles. WWZ also discusses the idea of how to survive and what the cure is to saving humanity, making people discuss how they would survive and thrive in a world controlled by brainless vessels. Endgame shows the emotional part, like the loss that people experience after half of the universe being 'dusted' resulting in people to feel emotional and want to prevent any possibility in mass death.


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